i can NOT express how much i love these panels. Seconds before the gun devil appears, everything looks so calm, homey, organized, and somewhat comfortable. Its like we're seeing a glimpse of how healthy things used to be for the three of them, before seeing it all fall apart ?

    i can NOT express how much i love these panels. Seconds before the gun devil appears, everything looks so calm, homey, organized, and somewhat comfortable.

Its like we're seeing a glimpse of how healthy things used to be for the three of them, before seeing it all fall apart ?
    i can NOT express how much i love these panels. Seconds before the gun devil appears, everything looks so calm, homey, organized, and somewhat comfortable.

Its like we're seeing a glimpse of how healthy things used to be for the three of them, before seeing it all fall apart ?
    i can NOT express how much i love these panels. Seconds before the gun devil appears, everything looks so calm, homey, organized, and somewhat comfortable.

Its like we're seeing a glimpse of how healthy things used to be for the three of them, before seeing it all fall apart ?
    i can NOT express how much i love these panels. Seconds before the gun devil appears, everything looks so calm, homey, organized, and somewhat comfortable.

Its like we're seeing a glimpse of how healthy things used to be for the three of them, before seeing it all fall apart ?

    nyako is probably sensing aki's knock on the door as well ? thinking he's finally home ? im fine ?

    nyako is probably sensing aki's knock on the door as well ? thinking he's finally home ? im fine ?

    WAIT AKI'S LAST SPOKEN WORD IS "Denji..." ??!??!?@?&&#&@$

    WAIT AKI'S LAST SPOKEN WORD IS "Denji..." ??!??!?@?&&#&@$
    WAIT AKI'S LAST SPOKEN WORD IS "Denji..." ??!??!?@?&&#&@$
    WAIT AKI'S LAST SPOKEN WORD IS "Denji..." ??!??!?@?&&#&@$



    the hand flicking outside the panel is such a sick touch i love it

    the hand flicking outside the panel is such a sick touch i love it