jae ✧@gryphll

    i don't want to finish this

    i don't want to finish this
    jae ✧@gryphll

    when u try to be sexy but it backfires on your neat freak bf

    when u try to be sexy but it backfires on your neat freak bf
    when u try to be sexy but it backfires on your neat freak bf
    jae ✧@gryphll

    not exactly a meet cute

    not exactly a meet cute
    not exactly a meet cute
    not exactly a meet cute
    jae ✧@gryphll

    @edgeworse that's very fair I too get tunnel vision when I'm hungry ? also ty!!! After seeing his collared shirt + sweater outfit in the manga I'm obsessed w him wearing it

    @edgeworse that's very fair I too get tunnel vision when I'm hungry ?
also ty!!! After seeing his collared shirt + sweater outfit in the manga I'm obsessed w him wearing it
    jae ✧@gryphll

    @DESURAIDA next panel

    @DESURAIDA next panel