part of a crazy crossover comic featuring the talents of a bunch of people from one of the /hyw/ discord servers featuring hammer also featuring characters from @JacksonSmacky's comic! (dA link, they got rid of which stinks)

    part of a crazy crossover comic featuring the talents of a bunch of people from one of the /hyw/ discord servers featuring hammer

also featuring characters from @JacksonSmacky's comic! (dA link, they got rid of which stinks)

    here's the colored version which won't be in the final product since it's gonna be a b/w comic

    here's the colored version which won't be in the final product since it's gonna be a b/w comic

    Homer the Happy Ghost is a comic oddity. It's a Casper ripoff with Archie's face written by Stan Lee and published by Marvel comics. When are we getting Homer the Happy Ghost in the MCU?

    Homer the Happy Ghost is a comic oddity. It's a Casper ripoff with Archie's face written by Stan Lee and published by Marvel comics.

When are we getting Homer the Happy Ghost in the MCU?
    Homer the Happy Ghost is a comic oddity. It's a Casper ripoff with Archie's face written by Stan Lee and published by Marvel comics.

When are we getting Homer the Happy Ghost in the MCU?
    Homer the Happy Ghost is a comic oddity. It's a Casper ripoff with Archie's face written by Stan Lee and published by Marvel comics.

When are we getting Homer the Happy Ghost in the MCU?
    Homer the Happy Ghost is a comic oddity. It's a Casper ripoff with Archie's face written by Stan Lee and published by Marvel comics.

When are we getting Homer the Happy Ghost in the MCU?

    I totally think the Darkstalkers cartoon would've totally benefited from an episode about Midnight Bliss like that would've been a fun episode haha

    I totally think the Darkstalkers cartoon would've totally benefited from an episode about Midnight Bliss

like that would've been a fun episode haha

    HELP ME OUT OVER HERE Is there anyone out there who has footage or photographs of this event? It was in 2004 and I desperately need to know if it was real.


Is there anyone out there who has footage or photographs of this event? It was in 2004 and I desperately need to know if it was real.

