
    007: One of the VERY FEW times I break the formula over the entire history of the comic. Despite being hundreds of pages, this is also one of the only times the duck quacks instead of speaks. But it also marks the end of the first sprint of MSPaint QD strips. A milestone moment.

    007: One of the VERY FEW times I break the formula over the entire history of the comic. Despite being hundreds of pages, this is also one of the only times the duck quacks instead of speaks. But it also marks the end of the first sprint of MSPaint QD strips. A milestone moment.

    008: I still don't know the answer to this question. Also I think this is the first time I started googling for references while drawing Question Duck. I needed to know how many tiers there were on the Eiffel Tower!

    008: I still don't know the answer to this question. Also I think this is the first time I started googling for references while drawing Question Duck. I needed to know how many tiers there were on the Eiffel Tower!

    009: Oh no! I started adding shading. (This might've been the first Question Duck drawn in Photoshop instead of MSPAINT) And thus the trend of trying to out do myself visually with every Question Duck strip, and eventually my downfall, began.

    009: Oh no! I started adding shading. (This might've been the first Question Duck drawn in Photoshop instead of MSPAINT) And thus the trend of trying to out do myself visually with every Question Duck strip, and eventually my downfall, began.

    Coco in cosplay

    Coco in cosplay
    Coco in cosplay

    010: Definitely one of the older strips. I'm realizing that I kinda drew some meat on that table. It's never explicitly stated but the Question Duck world is supposed to be "our world" but strictly vegetarian. It'd be weird if animals could talk and we'd still be eating meat...

    010: Definitely one of the older strips. I'm realizing that I kinda drew some meat on that table. It's never explicitly stated but the Question Duck world is supposed to be "our world" but strictly vegetarian. It'd be weird if animals could talk and we'd still be eating meat...

