
    033: What's this?!? A crossover with my EXTREMELY SHORT LIVED WEBCOMIC "Gamer Radio Theater" a game news webcomic about friends who run a gaming podcast? Man, that comic sure went well... But I did love the characters, it was great to bring them back and they added a lot to QD.

    033: What's this?!? A crossover with my EXTREMELY SHORT LIVED WEBCOMIC "Gamer Radio Theater" a game news webcomic about friends who run a gaming podcast? Man, that comic sure went well... But I did love the characters, it was great to bring them back and they added a lot to QD.

    034: This must've come up during a holiday! Also back when I had too much hair in real life... In early question duck, I made it a point to update regularly every week so a break strip was rare. But I guess instead of taking a regular break, I just took a break from the format.

    034: This must've come up during a holiday! Also back when I had too much hair in real life...

In early question duck, I made it a point to update regularly every week so a break strip was rare. But I guess instead of taking a regular break, I just took a break from the format.

    035: Scientifically Accurate Duck bones. Also, I'm not totally sure but this is either a window from the airport terminal in Alaska OR Hong Kong, I can't remember what mountain that's supposed to be in the background. I remember it was very pretty to look at for like six hours...

    035: Scientifically Accurate Duck bones. Also, I'm not totally sure but this is either a window from the airport terminal in Alaska OR Hong Kong, I can't remember what mountain that's supposed to be in the background. I remember it was very pretty to look at for like six hours...

    036: Man remember when it was "cool" to like Bansky? Replicating pieces of art in Question Duck would be a recurring theme, and it was always a fun challenge. I'd have to research the piece as it exists where someone can look at it and change the humans into QD style humans.

    036: Man remember when it was "cool" to like Bansky?

Replicating pieces of art in Question Duck would be a recurring theme, and it was always a fun challenge. I'd have to research the piece as it exists where someone can look at it and change the humans into QD style humans.

    037: Ack, I almost forgot to post a Question Duck today. Still a bit of time to fix that... Now, I've never been to Trafalgar Square but I sure did look at it on google maps. That counts, right?

    037: Ack, I almost forgot to post a Question Duck today. Still a bit of time to fix that...

Now, I've never been to Trafalgar Square but I sure did look at it on google maps. That counts, right?

