
    036: Man remember when it was "cool" to like Bansky? Replicating pieces of art in Question Duck would be a recurring theme, and it was always a fun challenge. I'd have to research the piece as it exists where someone can look at it and change the humans into QD style humans.

    036: Man remember when it was "cool" to like Bansky?

Replicating pieces of art in Question Duck would be a recurring theme, and it was always a fun challenge. I'd have to research the piece as it exists where someone can look at it and change the humans into QD style humans.

    037: Ack, I almost forgot to post a Question Duck today. Still a bit of time to fix that... Now, I've never been to Trafalgar Square but I sure did look at it on google maps. That counts, right?

    037: Ack, I almost forgot to post a Question Duck today. Still a bit of time to fix that...

Now, I've never been to Trafalgar Square but I sure did look at it on google maps. That counts, right?

    038: I drew these caves with the weird geometric stone formations because I saw a picture of them once and they looked weird and cool. But then everyone started putting these caves into movies and every Bioware video game and it was less unique. Ah well. What did happen to Brody?

    038: I drew these caves with the weird geometric stone formations because I saw a picture of them once and they looked weird and cool. But then everyone started putting these caves into movies and every Bioware video game and it was less unique. Ah well. What did happen to Brody?

    039: Most of the time, I made sure to avoid any direct relation between the question and the scene. That's the whole joke, after all. But this is possibly the largest gap between imagery and question the entire series has.

    039: Most of the time, I made sure to avoid any direct relation between the question and the scene. That's the whole joke, after all. But this is possibly the largest gap between imagery and question the entire series has.

    Originally formatted as an 8 page comic to print on a single piece of 8x11 paper, it was an interesting challenge to try and condense what was then a mythical epic into just one very short introduction. It was hopefully just enough to catch interest and print the comics for free.

    Originally formatted as an 8 page comic to print on a single piece of 8x11 paper, it was an interesting challenge to try and condense what was then a mythical epic into just one very short introduction. It was hopefully just enough to catch interest and print the comics for free.
    Originally formatted as an 8 page comic to print on a single piece of 8x11 paper, it was an interesting challenge to try and condense what was then a mythical epic into just one very short introduction. It was hopefully just enough to catch interest and print the comics for free.
    Originally formatted as an 8 page comic to print on a single piece of 8x11 paper, it was an interesting challenge to try and condense what was then a mythical epic into just one very short introduction. It was hopefully just enough to catch interest and print the comics for free.

