
    039: Most of the time, I made sure to avoid any direct relation between the question and the scene. That's the whole joke, after all. But this is possibly the largest gap between imagery and question the entire series has.

    039: Most of the time, I made sure to avoid any direct relation between the question and the scene. That's the whole joke, after all. But this is possibly the largest gap between imagery and question the entire series has.

    Originally formatted as an 8 page comic to print on a single piece of 8x11 paper, it was an interesting challenge to try and condense what was then a mythical epic into just one very short introduction. It was hopefully just enough to catch interest and print the comics for free.

    Originally formatted as an 8 page comic to print on a single piece of 8x11 paper, it was an interesting challenge to try and condense what was then a mythical epic into just one very short introduction. It was hopefully just enough to catch interest and print the comics for free.
    Originally formatted as an 8 page comic to print on a single piece of 8x11 paper, it was an interesting challenge to try and condense what was then a mythical epic into just one very short introduction. It was hopefully just enough to catch interest and print the comics for free.
    Originally formatted as an 8 page comic to print on a single piece of 8x11 paper, it was an interesting challenge to try and condense what was then a mythical epic into just one very short introduction. It was hopefully just enough to catch interest and print the comics for free.

    042: It would always be a bit of a special occasion when QD interacted with people other than Guy. I always pictured QD to have the voice of a young kid asking people random questions. You'd think the kid would ask about something more present but nope! Surprise trivia game!

    042: It would always be a bit of a special occasion when QD interacted with people other than Guy. I always pictured QD to have the voice of a young kid asking people random questions. You'd think the kid would ask about something more present but nope! Surprise trivia game!

    043: Sometimes, because of the story constraints of each Question Duck strip, I would have to find other places that I could experiment with the comic. So now and again I would look at things like panel shape and where text goes, playing with them to varying degrees of success.

    043: Sometimes, because of the story constraints of each Question Duck strip, I would have to find other places that I could experiment with the comic. So now and again I would look at things like panel shape and where text goes, playing with them to varying degrees of success.

    046: Okay so this is closer to one of them... puns masquerading around as a Question. I think I kept them to a responsible minimum as the quintessential Question Duck question is one that has a fact based answer. But I'm sure an etymologist has a lot to say on this subject.

    046: Okay so this is closer to one of them... puns masquerading around as a Question. I think I kept them to a responsible minimum as the quintessential Question Duck question is one that has a fact based answer. But I'm sure an etymologist has a lot to say on this subject.

