
    056: For the life of me, I do not remember the name of this piece. And despite thinking I'm "okay" at recreating pieces of art, I don't think I can take this to google lens search to find out exactly which mobile Alexander Calder piece this is... if it even is an Alexander Calder

    056: For the life of me, I do not remember the name of this piece. And despite thinking I'm "okay" at recreating pieces of art, I don't think I can take this to google lens search to find out exactly which mobile Alexander Calder piece this is... if it even is an Alexander Calder

    057: Three Musicians! But actually I'm sorta doing another reference on the sly. A story that always stuck with me was how Norman Rockwell famously did a painting of a man observing a "Jackson Pollock." The trick is that Pollock doesn't exist, he just copied the style perfectly.

    057: Three Musicians! But actually I'm sorta doing another reference on the sly.

A story that always stuck with me was how Norman Rockwell famously did a painting of a man observing a "Jackson Pollock." The trick is that Pollock doesn't exist, he just copied the style perfectly.

    058: This specific strip would actually look a good deal better in motion I think. Also of note in this page is the first sign of Guy's flirtatious antics. It's never really explicit but he always chatting up women around the world. Good thing he's a natural conversationalist.

    058: This specific strip would actually look a good deal better in motion I think. Also of note in this page is the first sign of Guy's flirtatious antics. It's never really explicit but he always chatting up women around the world. Good thing he's a natural conversationalist.

    059: A star sticker for anyone who can name this cameo. I believe this location is based on this flea market I used to pass by in Hell's Kitchen. Today's actual Hell's Kitchen isn't the Hell's Kitchen of Marvel Daredevil's time. It's all like... upscale brunch restaurants now.

    059: A star sticker for anyone who can name this cameo.

I believe this location is based on this flea market I used to pass by in Hell's Kitchen. Today's actual Hell's Kitchen isn't the Hell's Kitchen of Marvel Daredevil's time. It's all like... upscale brunch restaurants now.

    069: This was a bit of a missed opportunity to just have the ending panel with Guy wearing the mask so the reader would have to imagine the 😐 face underneath. Ah well.

    069: This was a bit of a missed opportunity to just have the ending panel with Guy wearing the mask so the reader would have to imagine the 😐 face underneath. Ah well.

