
    059: A star sticker for anyone who can name this cameo. I believe this location is based on this flea market I used to pass by in Hell's Kitchen. Today's actual Hell's Kitchen isn't the Hell's Kitchen of Marvel Daredevil's time. It's all like... upscale brunch restaurants now.

    059: A star sticker for anyone who can name this cameo.

I believe this location is based on this flea market I used to pass by in Hell's Kitchen. Today's actual Hell's Kitchen isn't the Hell's Kitchen of Marvel Daredevil's time. It's all like... upscale brunch restaurants now.

    069: This was a bit of a missed opportunity to just have the ending panel with Guy wearing the mask so the reader would have to imagine the 😐 face underneath. Ah well.

    069: This was a bit of a missed opportunity to just have the ending panel with Guy wearing the mask so the reader would have to imagine the 😐 face underneath. Ah well.

    075: Got the jibblies seeing this one again. It's kinda cheating to add a straight up Miyazaki character into QD but not really, the Ghibli museum is a real thing and this statue is there! I just needed to place it in the correct context and garden and then add a duck.

    075: Got the jibblies seeing this one again. It's kinda cheating to add a straight up Miyazaki character into QD but not really, the Ghibli museum is a real thing and this statue is there! I just needed to place it in the correct context and garden and then add a duck.

    079: It's always tempting to change the facial expression of things to the :| face. But I think that would break the reality of the comic. They can't go anywhere that's physically impossible to go. And things don't magically change shape. The world is already interesting enough.

    079: It's always tempting to change the facial expression of things to the :| face. But I think that would break the reality of the comic. They can't go anywhere that's physically impossible to go. And things don't magically change shape. The world is already interesting enough.

    080: This particular adventure seems very dangerous. Most of Question Duck and Guy's travels are to the normal places you might expect to get to. Places you can get to from a commercial plane or a bus. But ya know, every now and then the adventuring spirit desires to go farther.

    080: This particular adventure seems very dangerous. Most of Question Duck and Guy's travels are to the normal places you might expect to get to. Places you can get to from a commercial plane or a bus. But ya know, every now and then the adventuring spirit desires to go farther.

