
    155: March 11th, 2011 was the date of the Japan Earthquake and Tsunami of 2011. Being a comic about the world and world events, I thought I'd spend some time exploring that and directing readers to resources where they could donate to the people most affected. I hope it helped.

    155: March 11th, 2011 was the date of the Japan Earthquake and Tsunami of 2011. Being a comic about the world and world events, I thought I'd spend some time exploring that and directing readers to resources where they could donate to the people most affected. I hope it helped.

    157: Losing a car to a natural disaster kinda sucks, I know from experience. Anyway, QD fans definitely spotted the call back to this earlier strip. It kinda felt right, to revisit a strip after such a big event.

    157: Losing a car to a natural disaster kinda sucks, I know from experience. Anyway, QD fans definitely spotted the call back to this earlier strip. It kinda felt right, to revisit a strip after such a big event.

    159: Part of me hopes Anderson Cooper sees this comic and laughs.

    159: Part of me hopes Anderson Cooper sees this comic and laughs.

    160: You know what's a really bad idea? Putting your game consoles in an enclosed location. Those things, especially the PS3 and 360, need loads of open space for ventilation!

    160: You know what's a really bad idea? Putting your game consoles in an enclosed location. Those things, especially the PS3 and 360, need loads of open space for ventilation!

    161: And we're back! Sorry I forgot to post a couple days. Been a little busy with bat fan stuff. Hey I remember this question, this merger was a significant worry back then. But I guess instead of buying T-mobile they went ahead and bought Warner Bros. And that went well...

    161: And we're back! Sorry I forgot to post a couple days. Been a little busy with bat fan stuff.

Hey I remember this question, this merger was a significant worry back then. But I guess instead of buying T-mobile they went ahead and bought Warner Bros. And that went well...

