
    idea for Big but actually Small bad birb... i imagine he was the last to hatch and was from the start quite sickly and weak. he didnt get much better in adulthood and because of this was rejected from his initial flock... head feathers are from other birds he has um. Slain

    idea for Big but actually Small bad birb... i imagine he was the last to hatch and was from the start quite sickly and weak. he didnt get much better in adulthood and because of this was rejected from his initial flock...
head feathers are from other birds he has um. Slain

    while rethinking my old fantasy universe ive grumbled over revamping the birdpeople race... and i just got the best idea. they are no longer birdpeople but pterosaurpeople

    while rethinking my old fantasy universe ive grumbled over revamping the birdpeople race... and i just got the best idea. they are no longer birdpeople but pterosaurpeople

    planned design for a pteroboi model...

    planned design for a pteroboi model...
    planned design for a pteroboi model...
    planned design for a pteroboi model...

    thought about how u can tame the moonspirit cat form kinda haha xD feat my hunter lurian and druid augustinus #Warcraft

    thought about how u can tame the moonspirit cat form kinda haha xD feat my hunter lurian and druid augustinus #Warcraft
    thought about how u can tame the moonspirit cat form kinda haha xD feat my hunter lurian and druid augustinus #Warcraft

    never had much issue with soloing torghast so far. until twisted corridors stage four #warcraft

    never had much issue with soloing torghast so far. until twisted corridors stage four
    never had much issue with soloing torghast so far. until twisted corridors stage four