
    some chara of my own, hope this time there is nochromatic aberration....

    some chara of my own, hope this time there is nochromatic aberration....
    some chara of my own, hope this time there is nochromatic aberration....

    This twitter is post some comics translated in Russin by @5c4rl377stuff (it might be updated), and if you have seen those works just skip them, we just want to more people can read them.?? Finally, thanks again for the translator, I am so grateful for your hard work!?

    This twitter is post some comics translated in Russin by @5c4rl377stuff (it might be updated),  and if you have seen those works just skip them, we just want to more people can read them.??
Finally, thanks again for the translator, I am so grateful for your hard work!?
    This twitter is post some comics translated in Russin by @5c4rl377stuff (it might be updated),  and if you have seen those works just skip them, we just want to more people can read them.??
Finally, thanks again for the translator, I am so grateful for your hard work!?
    This twitter is post some comics translated in Russin by @5c4rl377stuff (it might be updated),  and if you have seen those works just skip them, we just want to more people can read them.??
Finally, thanks again for the translator, I am so grateful for your hard work!?
    This twitter is post some comics translated in Russin by @5c4rl377stuff (it might be updated),  and if you have seen those works just skip them, we just want to more people can read them.??
Finally, thanks again for the translator, I am so grateful for your hard work!?




    Sorry for the repost, just find a mistake in it, thanks for the translator again!???

    Sorry for the repost, just find a mistake in it, thanks for the translator again!???