#GoromiWeek2020 aaa i forgot about goromiweek here are some shitty sketches😤 (mb redraw or finish it later😔 idk)
#GoromiWeek2020 im angry and sad👺 quick sketches to relax snek)))) and AU я надеюсь такое ау ок????? я совершенно не знаю че рисовать на 29 и 30е числа
i hate all my arts rn
i'm not very happy with these sketches, but whatever. #soapghost https://t.co/SuFjOfbEfw
#majimagoro #kiryukazuma ✌️🥴
oh uh 2 years have passed since i played yakuza kiwami for 1th time
warm up #majimagoro
#RGG #Yakuza #kazumaji just sketches for myself
majima construction #majima
I wanna look like ps2 majima