
    [Short comics release] One of the most talked about accounting irregularities in recent years is the series of allegations against Carlos Ghosn, who fled to Lebanon. But there are more huge sums of money in the world that have been misappropriated or gone missing.

    [Short comics release]
One of the most talked about accounting irregularities in recent years is the series of allegations against Carlos Ghosn, who fled to Lebanon.
But there are more huge sums of money in the world that have been misappropriated or gone missing.
    [Short comics release]
One of the most talked about accounting irregularities in recent years is the series of allegations against Carlos Ghosn, who fled to Lebanon.
But there are more huge sums of money in the world that have been misappropriated or gone missing.

    【マンガ更新】 今回は豆知識はそこそこに、オトコノコならこういう気持ちわかるよね! という1本。 「中二の魂、百まで」ですね(笑)。 しかし金地金相場、ここ数日は反転急落してるみたいですけどどこまで上がるんでしょうか…。 [担当:たなか] #WEE #WORLDENDECONOMiCA

今回は豆知識はそこそこに、オトコノコならこういう気持ちわかるよね! という1本。

今回は豆知識はそこそこに、オトコノコならこういう気持ちわかるよね! という1本。


    [Short comics release] This time it's a comic called "I know what it feels like to be a man". It's called "The Spirit of Boyhood, to a Hundred". But the gold market has been plummeting in recent days, but how high can it go...? Copy by:Tanaka #WEE #WORLDENDECONOMiCA

    [Short comics release]
This time it's a comic called "I know what it feels like to be a man".
It's called "The Spirit of Boyhood, to a Hundred".
But the gold market has been plummeting in recent days, but how high can it go...?

Copy by:Tanaka
    [Short comics release]
This time it's a comic called "I know what it feels like to be a man".
It's called "The Spirit of Boyhood, to a Hundred".
But the gold market has been plummeting in recent days, but how high can it go...?

Copy by:Tanaka

    【ラフ公開】 本日は頭にスー〇やキッコ〇がついてるのかと思うような、インパクト絶大な緑のアフロ・セローのデザインを公開! 橋本デザインは原作よりややシブめのイケオジ風です。 近日更新のショートコミックにも登場する予定。お楽しみに! [担当:たなか] #WEE #WORLDENDECONOMiCA



    [Design rough release] That's a monster on his head!? We're revealing the design of the high-impact green afro-haired character, Theroux! Hashimoto's design is a little bit more sophisticated than the original, with a bit of a badass old man look.

    [Design rough release]
That's a monster on his head!? We're revealing the design of the high-impact green afro-haired character, Theroux!
Hashimoto's design is a little bit more sophisticated than the original, with a bit of a badass old man look.


