(Fatui Adopt Kaeya AU) Shopping - Shopping trip with Pantalone and Dottore because Kaeya is growing up and need new things 🤲🏽✨

    (Fatui Adopt Kaeya AU) Shopping
Shopping trip with Pantalone and Dottore because Kaeya is growing up and need new things 🤲🏽✨

    Kaeya is learning great things everyday

    Kaeya is learning great things everyday

    (Fatui adopt Kaeya AU) Uh. Bonding moment -Pierro - Kaeya's growing up!!! He is almost as tall as Scara now :) Currently he's 13 so Childe will appear pretty soon!

    (Fatui adopt Kaeya AU) Uh. Bonding moment -Pierro
Kaeya's growing up!!! He is almost as tall as Scara now :) Currently he's 13 so Childe will appear pretty soon!
    (Fatui adopt Kaeya AU) Uh. Bonding moment -Pierro
Kaeya's growing up!!! He is almost as tall as Scara now :) Currently he's 13 so Childe will appear pretty soon!

    I've hold onto this sketch since before Scaramouche story quest lmao Kaeya tol

    I've hold onto this sketch since before Scaramouche story quest lmao Kaeya tol

    (Fatui Adopt Kaeya AU) I rewatched the A Winter Night's Lazzo PV again and I just want to put kaeya there

    (Fatui Adopt Kaeya AU) I rewatched the A Winter Night's Lazzo PV again and I just want to put kaeya there

