manifesting part 2 being exactly what happened with touya's death and his rebirth ??

    manifesting part 2 being exactly what happened with touya's death and his rebirth ??

    hold up, not only can dabi's body handle ice but he's also burnt up so badly he can't feel anything from fire too. so.. seems like only death can stop him after all.

    hold up, not only can dabi's body handle ice but he's also burnt up so badly he can't feel anything from fire too.
so.. seems like only death can stop him after all.
    hold up, not only can dabi's body handle ice but he's also burnt up so badly he can't feel anything from fire too.
so.. seems like only death can stop him after all.

    handsome boy

    handsome boy
    handsome boy

    bounce bounce

    bounce bounce
    bounce bounce

    izuocha ver. + bkdkraka

    izuocha ver. + bkdkraka
    izuocha ver. + bkdkraka