the todoroki fam going to stop dabi tgt thing has been so misunderstood it's ridiculous 1. stop ≠ kill 2. they aren't going to fight him all tgt, it's going to be shouto alone 3. it means they will finally be family and SUPPORT each other trying to get their son/brother back

    the todoroki fam going to stop dabi tgt thing has been so misunderstood it's ridiculous

1. stop ≠ kill
2. they aren't going to fight him all tgt, it's going to be shouto alone
3. it means they will finally be family and SUPPORT each other trying to get their son/brother back
    the todoroki fam going to stop dabi tgt thing has been so misunderstood it's ridiculous

1. stop ≠ kill
2. they aren't going to fight him all tgt, it's going to be shouto alone
3. it means they will finally be family and SUPPORT each other trying to get their son/brother back
    the todoroki fam going to stop dabi tgt thing has been so misunderstood it's ridiculous

1. stop ≠ kill
2. they aren't going to fight him all tgt, it's going to be shouto alone
3. it means they will finally be family and SUPPORT each other trying to get their son/brother back

    reaction to natsuo and enji shade at the dinner table vs. reaction to fuyumi saying natsuo thinks their dad killed their brother ?????

    reaction to natsuo and enji shade at the dinner table vs. reaction to fuyumi saying natsuo thinks their dad killed their brother

    reaction to natsuo and enji shade at the dinner table vs. reaction to fuyumi saying natsuo thinks their dad killed their brother


    kinda sad cuz i thought shiggy n dabi had something interesting going on, leader and right hand. except the right hand is a shit

    kinda sad cuz i thought shiggy n dabi had something interesting going on, leader and right hand. except the right hand is a shit

    bakugo watches deku's development closely not just as a rival but also because he cares and worries for him

    bakugo watches deku's development closely not just as a rival but also because he cares and worries for him
    bakugo watches deku's development closely not just as a rival but also because he cares and worries for him
    bakugo watches deku's development closely not just as a rival but also because he cares and worries for him
    bakugo watches deku's development closely not just as a rival but also because he cares and worries for him

    yes, all might, yes he is

    yes, all might, yes he is