Coatl 🍉@featheredsnek

    Took me COVID to sit around and not think about art for a day and instead wrap up with hot choc Could get used to this

    Took me COVID to sit around and not think about art for a day and instead wrap up with hot choc

Could get used to this
    Coatl 🍉@featheredsnek

    He trying to play guitar with those big ass hands, needs help, the absolute dummy

    He trying to play guitar with those big ass hands, needs help, the absolute dummy
    Coatl 🍉@featheredsnek

    breaking it back in

    breaking it back in
    Coatl 🍉@featheredsnek

    Art aerobics decided to mess around with muscle practice

    Art aerobics

decided to mess around with muscle practice
    Coatl 🍉@featheredsnek

    Long days be like that Someone described Taylah as having "wine mom energy" and someone else had this funny interaction wit hCy

    Long days be like that

Someone described Taylah as having "wine mom energy" and someone else had this funny interaction wit hCy