I remember drawing El Balde in his final form and constantly realizing I needed to make his hands bigger... #SeisManos

    I remember drawing El Balde in his final form and constantly realizing I needed to make his hands bigger... #SeisManos

    @NarcissistCook I don't personally mind, I'd just follow both twitters anyway haha (also, the hack cynic in me says non-work tweets are still Content That Reminds People You Exist, so it can work in your favor to shitpost on your This Is My Job twitter?)

    @NarcissistCook I don't personally mind, I'd just follow both twitters anyway haha
(also, the hack cynic in me says non-work tweets are still Content That Reminds People You Exist, so it can work in your favor to shitpost on your This Is My Job twitter?)

    Blue Flag!!! so refreshing to see a manga doesn't separate its female characters into "perfectly conventionally pretty" and "cartoonishly weird-looking"

    Blue Flag!!! so refreshing to see a manga doesn't separate its female characters into "perfectly conventionally pretty" and "cartoonishly weird-looking"
    Blue Flag!!! so refreshing to see a manga doesn't separate its female characters into "perfectly conventionally pretty" and "cartoonishly weird-looking"

    when cats do the thing

    when cats do the thing

    a conversation I had with @InterruptingSam that I think about a lot.

    a conversation I had with @InterruptingSam that I think about a lot.
    a conversation I had with @InterruptingSam that I think about a lot.

