people studies! first two pages are from ref, the last one is just also a dog thing :U

    people studies!  first two pages are from ref, the last one is just also a dog thing :U
    people studies!  first two pages are from ref, the last one is just also a dog thing :U
    people studies!  first two pages are from ref, the last one is just also a dog thing :U

    tree's back "wait what?" *cocks gun* tree's back (why yes I have been furiously filling up the last pages of a sketchbook, why do u ask)

    tree's back
"wait what?"
*cocks gun* tree's back
(why yes I have been furiously filling up the last pages of a sketchbook, why do u ask)
    tree's back
"wait what?"
*cocks gun* tree's back
(why yes I have been furiously filling up the last pages of a sketchbook, why do u ask)

    the most recent episode of #PiratesofLeviathan provided me with one of my actual favorite tropes, so I had to draw this moment! or part of it anyway--I'll try and do the rest when I'm not so tired. @v@

    the most recent episode of #PiratesofLeviathan provided me with one of my actual favorite tropes, so I had to draw this moment!  or part of it anyway--I'll try and do the rest when I'm not so tired. @v@
    the most recent episode of #PiratesofLeviathan provided me with one of my actual favorite tropes, so I had to draw this moment!  or part of it anyway--I'll try and do the rest when I'm not so tired. @v@

    I wanted so badly to make some serious, dynamic first-time fanart like the cool kids, but,,,,,,

    I wanted so badly to make some serious, dynamic first-time fanart like the cool kids, but,,,,,,
    I wanted so badly to make some serious, dynamic first-time fanart like the cool kids, but,,,,,,

    //hades spoilers . . . supergiant u feed me so well how can I ever repay you

    //hades spoilers
supergiant u feed me so well how can I ever repay you

