Aaron Schmit@theaaronschmit

    SOULSILVER RANDOMIZED NUZLOCKE COMIC After a grueling onslaught against Pryce's Pokemon, my Machamp, named Based Chad, pitted off against Pryce's last Pokemon, a Totodile. I should not have underestimated Pryce's baby crocodile. I should have been more afraid. RIP Based Chad 😢


After a grueling onslaught against Pryce's Pokemon, my Machamp, named Based Chad, pitted off against Pryce's last Pokemon, a Totodile.

I should not have underestimated Pryce's baby crocodile. I should have been more afraid. RIP Based Chad 😢
    Aaron Schmit@theaaronschmit

    Was looking over some scrapped webcomic pages from a few years ago, and I really do like the character expressions I drew in these panels. I'm a HUGE fan of drawing exaggerated and emphasized expressions on characters.

    Was looking over some scrapped webcomic pages from a few years ago, and I really do like the character expressions I drew in these panels.

I'm a HUGE fan of drawing exaggerated and emphasized expressions on characters.
    Was looking over some scrapped webcomic pages from a few years ago, and I really do like the character expressions I drew in these panels.

I'm a HUGE fan of drawing exaggerated and emphasized expressions on characters.
    Aaron Schmit@theaaronschmit

    Old sketches of ladies from 2016-2017.

    Old sketches of ladies from 2016-2017.
    Old sketches of ladies from 2016-2017.
    Old sketches of ladies from 2016-2017.
    Old sketches of ladies from 2016-2017.
    Aaron Schmit@theaaronschmit

    Suicine Gijinka WIP

    Suicine Gijinka WIP
    Aaron Schmit@theaaronschmit

    Centaurworld WIP 🐎

    Centaurworld WIP 🐎