For wip wednesday I have sketches (or more like notes 😂) for part 4 of the bunkoo au… this one will be 10 pages and a little more difficult, so it might take longer… but I am working on it 🥰 ~1/3

    For wip wednesday I have sketches (or more like notes 😂) for part 4 of the bunkoo au… this one will be 10 pages and a little more difficult, so it might take longer… but I am working on it 🥰
    For wip wednesday I have sketches (or more like notes 😂) for part 4 of the bunkoo au… this one will be 10 pages and a little more difficult, so it might take longer… but I am working on it 🥰
    For wip wednesday I have sketches (or more like notes 😂) for part 4 of the bunkoo au… this one will be 10 pages and a little more difficult, so it might take longer… but I am working on it 🥰
    For wip wednesday I have sketches (or more like notes 😂) for part 4 of the bunkoo au… this one will be 10 pages and a little more difficult, so it might take longer… but I am working on it 🥰



    It's wip wednesday again 😬 all my sketches for part 4 of the bunkoo au are ready for lines now 🤗 here's a few of them

    It's wip wednesday again 😬 all my sketches for part 4 of the bunkoo au are ready for lines now 🤗 here's a few of them
    It's wip wednesday again 😬 all my sketches for part 4 of the bunkoo au are ready for lines now 🤗 here's a few of them
    It's wip wednesday again 😬 all my sketches for part 4 of the bunkoo au are ready for lines now 🤗 here's a few of them

    Just another bunkoo au Pt. 4 🐰♥️ ~1/4

    Just another bunkoo au Pt. 4 🐰♥️
    Just another bunkoo au Pt. 4 🐰♥️
    Just another bunkoo au Pt. 4 🐰♥️

