Brandon B.@drawbrandondraw

    @Iron_Spike Spike: Dumb and so goddamn crazy

    @Iron_Spike Spike: Dumb and so goddamn crazy
    Brandon B.@drawbrandondraw

    @burgeroise this looked way better as I was typing it on my computer

    @burgeroise this looked way better as I was typing it on my computer
    Brandon B.@drawbrandondraw

    ready to be eaten by spirals

    ready to be eaten by spirals
    ready to be eaten by spirals
    Brandon B.@drawbrandondraw

    chuck asay is notorious for this

    chuck asay is notorious for this
    Brandon B.@drawbrandondraw

    because YOU KNOW if these guys were born just a few years earlier, THIS is the cartoon they'd be making again and again

    because YOU KNOW if these guys were born just a few years earlier, THIS is the cartoon they'd be making again and again