Brandon B.@drawbrandondraw

    @cleenteath I went to find character turnarounds and I'm really annoyed at the wild inconsistency of these drawings

    @cleenteath I went to find character turnarounds and I'm really annoyed at the wild inconsistency of these drawings
    Brandon B.@drawbrandondraw

    so Kaiji is AU Evangelion

    so Kaiji is AU Evangelion
    so Kaiji is AU Evangelion
    Brandon B.@drawbrandondraw

    back at work after spending the past several days with a bad face infection

    back at work after spending the past several days with a bad face infection
    Brandon B.@drawbrandondraw

    I picked up this Leviathan collection from half price books. I'd never heard of it before but I'm really glad I found it

    I picked up this Leviathan collection from half price books. I'd never heard of it before but I'm really glad I found it
    Brandon B.@drawbrandondraw

    it's weird and wild and I love it

    it's weird and wild and I love it