In my country there is a phrase that they use a lot in soccer. "we played like never before and lost like always" 👍😎🥈 #holoIDCup2023 #KFPicasso #callillust #ioarts #こよりすけっち #ルーナート #inKaela
#callillust#holoIDCup2023#inKaela#ioarts#KFPicassoFun facts~ When I did the sketch for this art (where the passion of drawing the whole structure even knowing that it will be covered with clothes is real) made it a funny reaction to send the preview, the chibis looked like a kind of censure. This happened in a unintentional way
🥺 #artsofashes #つながるホロライブ
🍾🐔🏆 #ENxIDKart #artsofashes #callillust #ameliaRT #inART
WELCOME TO THE HOLOEN FAMILY!🎉 #IRyS #ProjectHOPE #hololiveEnglish
🔎🐔💀🔨 #artsofashes #callillust #ameliaRT
:O #artsofashes #drawMEI
🐔🪟💀 #TAKAMORI #artsofashes #callillust
🌿🐂💥🐎🪐 #galaxillust #FineFaunart
🏠 🔫🐔 #artsofashes