👻🔦🦈🐸🕵️‍♀️ #gawrt #ameliaRT #KFPicasso

    👻🔦🦈🐸🕵️‍♀️ #gawrt #ameliaRT #KFPicasso

    Fun facts~ When I did the sketch for this art (where the passion of drawing the whole structure even knowing that it will be covered with clothes is real) made it a funny reaction to send the preview, the chibis looked like a kind of censure. This happened in a unintentional way

    Fun facts~
When I did the sketch for this art (where the passion of drawing the whole structure even knowing that it will be covered with clothes is real) made it a funny reaction to send the preview, the chibis looked like a kind of censure. This happened in a unintentional way
    Fun facts~
When I did the sketch for this art (where the passion of drawing the whole structure even knowing that it will be covered with clothes is real) made it a funny reaction to send the preview, the chibis looked like a kind of censure. This happened in a unintentional way

    🌱🐔🎴 I like hanafuda too!! #ホロライブ花札 #KFPicasso

I like hanafuda too!!
#ホロライブ花札 #KFPicasso