
    There's this thing many mammals do that's called the Flehmen response, where they curl back their upper lip to basically "smell better". So... yeah.

    There's this thing many mammals do that's called the Flehmen response, where they curl back their upper lip to basically "smell better". So... yeah.
    There's this thing many mammals do that's called the Flehmen response, where they curl back their upper lip to basically "smell better". So... yeah.

    I just watched Nope. On top of being a fun movie and all, as someone who likes to see the portrayal of animal behavior in media, I think it was particularly enjoyable. Good watch.

    I just watched Nope. On top of being a fun movie and all, as someone who likes to see the portrayal of animal behavior in media, I think it was particularly enjoyable. Good watch.

    In relation to the Crocomom Theory… after realizing both Crocodile and Dragon are reptiles, I just couldn't help myself…

    In relation to the Crocomom Theory… after realizing both Crocodile and Dragon are reptiles, I just couldn't help myself…
    In relation to the Crocomom Theory… after realizing both Crocodile and Dragon are reptiles, I just couldn't help myself…
    In relation to the Crocomom Theory… after realizing both Crocodile and Dragon are reptiles, I just couldn't help myself…
    In relation to the Crocomom Theory… after realizing both Crocodile and Dragon are reptiles, I just couldn't help myself…

    They're lucky their son is the protagonist.

    They're lucky their son is the protagonist.

    Happy birthday, Washio-san!! #鷲尾辰生生誕祭2022 #鷲尾辰生誕生祭2022

    Happy birthday, Washio-san!!


