kadang gue mikir knp gue harus nge defend lo mulu sih ko... kalo koko sekedar manfaatin inupi trs panel ini apa nder sumimasen koko ke inupi mah ikhlas dia walau udh ditenjiku aja masih mikirin posisi buat inupi trs apa gaada yg pernah inget dah that one future exist https://t.co/whmhTt6LtA
EHHH WE GOT THIS!! I believe some kghnist were also narusasu enjoyer so pls vote bffs they are also the yinyang gay bestfriends!!!!
calling kghnist who wants to help idk i think we're like brothers pls vote for the yinyang red blue sunshine and grumpy soulmate bffs narusasu https://t.co/XJVS1L7IyX