AE Entropy@AeEntropy

    And here's the raw. I took my best shot at the last line, 就给我抱着不停嗑煎蛋也要战斗下去的觉悟吧, but I could be a ways off.

    And here's the raw. I took my best shot at the last line, 就给我抱着不停嗑煎蛋也要战斗下去的觉悟吧, but I could be a ways off.
    AE Entropy@AeEntropy

    Genshin Official Comic #8 Barbara's Little Wishes #GenshinImpact #원신 #原神

    Genshin Official Comic #8 Barbara's Little Wishes
#GenshinImpact #원신 #原神
    AE Entropy@AeEntropy

    And here's the raw which took a bit to find the full size of. Still using aggregated machine TLs so some lines are probably wonky still (like the last, again). Barbs on their way.

    And here's the raw which took a bit to find the full size of. Still using aggregated machine TLs so some lines are probably wonky still (like the last, again). Barbs on their way.
    AE Entropy@AeEntropy

    And the raw. Even lazier scan this time because the source was lower res and I couldn't find higher anywhere. Hopefully it gets the message across. Crops soonish.

    And the raw. Even lazier scan this time because the source was lower res and I couldn't find higher anywhere. Hopefully it gets the message across. Crops soonish.
    AE Entropy@AeEntropy

    Official Comic #10: A New Storm Are you a new ally or... A new... storm.... what... #GenshinImpact #원신 #原神

    Official Comic #10: A New Storm
Are you a new ally or...
A new... storm.... what...
#GenshinImpact #원신 #原神

