Ethan M. Aldridge@EthanMAldridge

    @strangelykatie It does, approximately! I do my pages in spreads, on watercolor sheets sized 30.5 x 40.6 cm, so each page occupies half the sheet. Like this:

    @strangelykatie It does, approximately! I do my pages in spreads, on watercolor sheets sized 30.5 x 40.6 cm, so each page occupies half the sheet. Like this:
    Ethan M. Aldridge@EthanMAldridge

    I was just talking about having the confidence to promote yourself, so I guess I'd better jump in the #IAMSomebodyArtistClub/#NobodyArtistClub! I'm a graphic novelist, cartoonist, and illustrator of epic fantasy and fairy tales!

    I was just talking about having the confidence to promote yourself, so I guess I'd better jump in the #IAMSomebodyArtistClub/#NobodyArtistClub! 
I'm a graphic novelist, cartoonist, and illustrator of epic fantasy and fairy tales!
    I was just talking about having the confidence to promote yourself, so I guess I'd better jump in the #IAMSomebodyArtistClub/#NobodyArtistClub! 
I'm a graphic novelist, cartoonist, and illustrator of epic fantasy and fairy tales!
    I was just talking about having the confidence to promote yourself, so I guess I'd better jump in the #IAMSomebodyArtistClub/#NobodyArtistClub! 
I'm a graphic novelist, cartoonist, and illustrator of epic fantasy and fairy tales!
    I was just talking about having the confidence to promote yourself, so I guess I'd better jump in the #IAMSomebodyArtistClub/#NobodyArtistClub! 
I'm a graphic novelist, cartoonist, and illustrator of epic fantasy and fairy tales!
    Ethan M. Aldridge@EthanMAldridge

    Hey, #NobodyArtistClub/#IAMsomebodyArtistsClub, black and white edition.

    Hey, #NobodyArtistClub/#IAMsomebodyArtistsClub, black and white edition.
    Hey, #NobodyArtistClub/#IAMsomebodyArtistsClub, black and white edition.
    Hey, #NobodyArtistClub/#IAMsomebodyArtistsClub, black and white edition.
    Hey, #NobodyArtistClub/#IAMsomebodyArtistsClub, black and white edition.
    Ethan M. Aldridge@EthanMAldridge

    A few more. I'd like to start doing full comics, maybe something instructional, using this little avatar.

    A few more. I'd like to start doing full comics, maybe something instructional, using this little avatar.
    A few more. I'd like to start doing full comics, maybe something instructional, using this little avatar.
    A few more. I'd like to start doing full comics, maybe something instructional, using this little avatar.
    Ethan M. Aldridge@EthanMAldridge

    ESTRANGED is the fantasy saga that Molly Ostertag ("The Witch Boy") calls "A compelling story about finding identity in a world where magic dangers lurk...," and Tim Federle ("Better Nate Than Ever") says "It's got dragons, it's got drama, it's got *depth*." In bookstores now!

    ESTRANGED is the fantasy saga that Molly Ostertag ("The Witch Boy") calls "A compelling story about finding identity in a world where magic dangers lurk...," and Tim Federle ("Better Nate Than Ever") says "It's got dragons, it's got drama, it's got *depth*." In bookstores now!
    ESTRANGED is the fantasy saga that Molly Ostertag ("The Witch Boy") calls "A compelling story about finding identity in a world where magic dangers lurk...," and Tim Federle ("Better Nate Than Ever") says "It's got dragons, it's got drama, it's got *depth*." In bookstores now!
    ESTRANGED is the fantasy saga that Molly Ostertag ("The Witch Boy") calls "A compelling story about finding identity in a world where magic dangers lurk...," and Tim Federle ("Better Nate Than Ever") says "It's got dragons, it's got drama, it's got *depth*." In bookstores now!
    ESTRANGED is the fantasy saga that Molly Ostertag ("The Witch Boy") calls "A compelling story about finding identity in a world where magic dangers lurk...," and Tim Federle ("Better Nate Than Ever") says "It's got dragons, it's got drama, it's got *depth*." In bookstores now!