**ワンピース 1002話 ネタバレ注意** **SPOILERS FOR ONE PIECE CHAPTER 1002** Oda did the thing! #onepiece1002 #ワンピース #ワンピース好きな人と繋がりたい #二次創作 尾田先生 パクリじゃん!(間違ってる)
Injury update... Doctor said I ruptured my ACL... Looks like I'll have a whole lot of time to sit around and draw🙃
Thank you Hyde/Hideko?(@tabakko) for the follow! I promise ill make it worthwhile!
Sep 2021 #TBT #絵まる #しょこらーと
here's some more Pinocchio-posting
Taking a break from here for a while(10min).
Thank you Hyde/Hideko?(@tabakko) for the follow! I promise ill make it worthwhile!
Happy birthday Calli! #moribirthd4y #callillust #gawrt #ameliaRT #inART #ArtsOfAshes #HoloEN
The Great Pol-gliacci... #絵まる #しょこらーと
The twists!😱😱😱 #sticcartbro https://t.co/uZ3NZylknY
Panicked for a good minute there.