Chameleon | #XSNKR@Chameleon_Ch

    I want to take this opportunity to thank @AutismTactical, who has been there since literally day 1, and always supportive, even though he had to endure my near daily wack drawings. like seriously what is this.

    I want to take this opportunity to thank @AutismTactical, who has been there since literally day 1, and always supportive, even though he had to endure my near daily wack drawings. 
like seriously what is this.
    I want to take this opportunity to thank @AutismTactical, who has been there since literally day 1, and always supportive, even though he had to endure my near daily wack drawings. 
like seriously what is this.
    I want to take this opportunity to thank @AutismTactical, who has been there since literally day 1, and always supportive, even though he had to endure my near daily wack drawings. 
like seriously what is this.
    I want to take this opportunity to thank @AutismTactical, who has been there since literally day 1, and always supportive, even though he had to endure my near daily wack drawings. 
like seriously what is this.
    Chameleon | #XSNKR@Chameleon_Ch

    Yeah that seems right.

    Yeah that seems right.
    Chameleon | #XSNKR@Chameleon_Ch

    The Great Pol-gliacci... #絵まる #しょこらーと

    The Great Pol-gliacci...
    Chameleon | #XSNKR@Chameleon_Ch

    no text ver.

    no text ver.
    Chameleon | #XSNKR@Chameleon_Ch

    Day 1. Crystal I found myself reaching for a non-existent undo key many times while drawing this. #inktober2021

    Day 1. Crystal
I found myself reaching for a non-existent undo key many times while drawing this.