Kineli 🤍💙🤍@Genshin_Kineli

    I like to think that while Aether symbolizes the Sun, Lumine is the Star✨ Like in the Tarot. The Sun is calm happiness, success. And the Star is sth inspiring, giving hope. Even the name "Lumine" means light and I think it's the bright light of hope. 1/4 #GenshinImpact

    I like to think that while Aether symbolizes the Sun, Lumine is the Star✨

Like in the Tarot. The Sun is calm happiness, success. And the Star is sth inspiring, giving hope. 

Even the name "Lumine" means light and I think it's the bright light of hope. 1/4
    I like to think that while Aether symbolizes the Sun, Lumine is the Star✨

Like in the Tarot. The Sun is calm happiness, success. And the Star is sth inspiring, giving hope. 

Even the name "Lumine" means light and I think it's the bright light of hope. 1/4
    I like to think that while Aether symbolizes the Sun, Lumine is the Star✨

Like in the Tarot. The Sun is calm happiness, success. And the Star is sth inspiring, giving hope. 

Even the name "Lumine" means light and I think it's the bright light of hope. 1/4
    Kineli 🤍💙🤍@Genshin_Kineli

    The Star✨ Hope, faith, inspiration. You have worked past hardships and you are ready to embrace what comes next. The card predicts unexpected help, but it is up to you to find your way to the future. It's all there for you, big and bright and waiting. 3/4

    The Star✨

Hope, faith, inspiration. You have worked past hardships and you are ready to embrace what comes next. The card predicts unexpected help, but it is up to you to find your way to the future. It's all there for you, big and bright and waiting. 3/4
    The Star✨

Hope, faith, inspiration. You have worked past hardships and you are ready to embrace what comes next. The card predicts unexpected help, but it is up to you to find your way to the future. It's all there for you, big and bright and waiting. 3/4
    Kineli 🤍💙🤍@Genshin_Kineli

    official comics 2/5

    official comics 2/5
    official comics 2/5
    official comics 2/5
    official comics 2/5
    Kineli 🤍💙🤍@Genshin_Kineli

    The official prequel also by Mihoyo, translated by @lanluoluojiang 3/5

    The official prequel also by Mihoyo, translated by @lanluoluojiang 
    Kineli 🤍💙🤍@Genshin_Kineli

    Another interesting fact is that there's a film 黄金の犬 (lit. A Golden Dog) In this film, a dog named Goro helps to uncover a political-criminal plot of a Defence Minister. Just a curious coincidence.

    Another interesting fact is that there's a film  黄金の犬 (lit. A Golden Dog)

In this film, a dog named Goro helps to uncover a political-criminal plot of a Defence Minister.

Just a curious coincidence.

