nat @ otakon@bird__king

    the person these stays were for was very long-torso'd and it is making my patterning life just a little bit hell

    the person these stays were for was very long-torso'd and it is making my patterning life just a little bit hell
    nat @ otakon@bird__king

    9. theres a lot of bobbin-looking laces that look similar to valenciennes lace

    9. theres a lot of bobbin-looking laces that look similar to valenciennes lace
    9. theres a lot of bobbin-looking laces that look similar to valenciennes lace
    9. theres a lot of bobbin-looking laces that look similar to valenciennes lace
    9. theres a lot of bobbin-looking laces that look similar to valenciennes lace
    nat @ otakon@bird__king

    the base pattern i used was automatically generated with sewist btw! the patterns are $2.50 a pop, made to your measurements, and you can customize it with everything you need 👍 in this case i didnt want to draft my own collar and i wanted darts that will be hidden by the bow

    the base pattern i used was automatically generated with sewist btw! the patterns are $2.50 a pop, made to your measurements, and you can customize it with everything you need 👍
in this case i didnt want to draft my own collar and i wanted darts that will be hidden by the bow
    nat @ otakon@bird__king

    nat @ otakon@bird__king

    this year i started just drawing extremely self indulgently with no goal of learning or monetizing anything and it was the best decision i could have made tbh draw your favorite anime girls all the time 2021

    this year i started just drawing extremely self indulgently with no goal of learning or monetizing anything and it was the best decision i could have made tbh
draw your favorite anime girls all the time 2021