i haven't seen anyone make rhys a bard in a fantasy au which is a crime frankly so i had to draw it... plus necromancer jack bc duh #borderlands #talesfromtheborderlands #rhysstrongfork #handsomejack #rhack

    i haven't seen anyone make rhys a bard in a fantasy au which is a crime frankly so i had to draw it... plus necromancer jack bc duh  #borderlands #talesfromtheborderlands #rhysstrongfork #handsomejack #rhack
    i haven't seen anyone make rhys a bard in a fantasy au which is a crime frankly so i had to draw it... plus necromancer jack bc duh  #borderlands #talesfromtheborderlands #rhysstrongfork #handsomejack #rhack

    au where fisherman timothy stumbles upon an injured merman rhys and brings him home to help him recover 👉👈 #borderlands #rhysstrongfork #timothylawrence #rhysothy

    au where fisherman timothy stumbles upon an injured merman rhys and brings him home to help him recover 👉👈  #borderlands #rhysstrongfork #timothylawrence #rhysothy
    au where fisherman timothy stumbles upon an injured merman rhys and brings him home to help him recover 👉👈  #borderlands #rhysstrongfork #timothylawrence #rhysothy
    au where fisherman timothy stumbles upon an injured merman rhys and brings him home to help him recover 👉👈  #borderlands #rhysstrongfork #timothylawrence #rhysothy

    mmm seafood #borderlands #rhysstrongfork #timothylawrence #rhysothy

    mmm seafood  #borderlands #rhysstrongfork #timothylawrence #rhysothy
    mmm seafood  #borderlands #rhysstrongfork #timothylawrence #rhysothy
    mmm seafood  #borderlands #rhysstrongfork #timothylawrence #rhysothy

    he needs a wheelchair or something #borderlands #timothylawrence #rhysstrongfork #rhysothy

    he needs a wheelchair or something

#borderlands #timothylawrence #rhysstrongfork #rhysothy
    he needs a wheelchair or something

#borderlands #timothylawrence #rhysstrongfork #rhysothy
    he needs a wheelchair or something

#borderlands #timothylawrence #rhysstrongfork #rhysothy
    he needs a wheelchair or something

#borderlands #timothylawrence #rhysstrongfork #rhysothy

    tim's thinking wholesome thoughts, i'm sure #borderlands #timothylawrence #rhysstrongfork #rhysothy

    tim's thinking wholesome thoughts, i'm sure

#borderlands #timothylawrence #rhysstrongfork #rhysothy
    tim's thinking wholesome thoughts, i'm sure

#borderlands #timothylawrence #rhysstrongfork #rhysothy

