dane 💫 chillin@rramshackled

    tag yourself im lego joker

    tag yourself im lego joker
    dane 💫 chillin@rramshackled

    / blood i need to start being brave and posting non mcyt art here for when insta goes to crap but i think ill keep being shy and only posting it when tl is asleep 💪

    / blood
i need to start being brave and posting non mcyt art here for when insta goes to crap but i think ill keep being shy and only posting it when tl is asleep 💪
    / blood
i need to start being brave and posting non mcyt art here for when insta goes to crap but i think ill keep being shy and only posting it when tl is asleep 💪
    dane 💫 chillin@rramshackled

    the best thing abt finishing mcyt art for me is that i have like 24hr to draw whatever tf i want and normally its just scribbles but its so nice to not. have to draw block men for once /lh https://t.co/SmmoiWZvQE

    the best thing abt finishing mcyt art for me is that i have like 24hr to draw whatever tf i want and normally its just scribbles but its so nice to not. have to draw block men for once /lh https://t.co/SmmoiWZvQE
    dane 💫 chillin@rramshackled

    i have no clue what the enderwalk arg thing is actually who wants to fill me in https://t.co/sGPNp7QqRJ

    i have no clue what the enderwalk arg thing is actually who wants to fill me in https://t.co/sGPNp7QqRJ
    dane 💫 chillin@rramshackled

