Andrew Kolb@kolbisneat

    Based on the original sketch by @shaunaparmesan!

    Based on the original sketch by @shaunaparmesan!
    Andrew Kolb@kolbisneat

    If you want to get into the series, start here...

    If you want to get into the series, start here...
    Andrew Kolb@kolbisneat

    Based on @loris_lora's stellar sketch. (for @tenpacesanddraw!)

    Based on @loris_lora's stellar sketch. (for @tenpacesanddraw!)
    Andrew Kolb@kolbisneat

    Then I started sketching ideas. They weren't feeling singular and iconic enough. I wanted a visual that communicated as both a collection of things and a single entity...

    Then I started sketching ideas. They weren't feeling singular and iconic enough. I wanted a visual that communicated as both a collection of things and a single entity...
    Andrew Kolb@kolbisneat

    Hey I talk about my new #TTRPG setting in this ep of the @Mof1Podcast with @Andr3wSal3! I...uh...wasn't prepared for how much art goes into a D&D type book.

    Hey I talk about my new #TTRPG setting in this ep of the @Mof1Podcast with @Andr3wSal3!
I...uh...wasn't prepared for how much art goes into a D&D type book.