English version She sings a song called "Donguri Korokoro" in Japanese. It's a children's song that she often sings to her viewers in her stream.☺️
久しぶりに漫画描いとります、やっぱり漫画が一番時間かかるね、もう1ページあるし( ^ω^)・・・気長に待っててください🥺 It's been a while since I've drawn a comic, but I guess comics take the longest... I have one more page to go... Please be patient!
漫画の息抜きに寝落ちラプ様のラクガキしてたら、思ったより可愛くなりそう🥰清書しておこうと思います☺️ I've been working on a drawing of Laplus falling asleep to take a break from working on the comic, and I think it's going to be cuter than I thought, I'm going to draw it properly!
ラフスケッチ お風呂ラプ様 Rough sketch Bath Laplus😊
WIP~☺️お風呂ラプ様、線画 Bath Laplus, line drawing
🏪コンビニ帰りのJKラプ様~♪🛸💜 Laplus, a high school girl on her way home from the convenience store #Laplus_Artdesu
「可愛いいかってきいてるぺこだよ!」なラフスケッチです~😚 Rough sketch New clothes Pekora😚
休憩中のバニーぐらちゃんの落描き Bunny Gura's doodle during a break☺️
rkgk😚 あくびししろん Yawning Botan
新衣装オルタぺこちゃん 線画 New clothes Pekora Line drawing😚
WIP~😚ロングヘアスバル線画 Long Hair Subaru Line Drawing