
    漫画の息抜きに寝落ちラプ様のラクガキしてたら、思ったより可愛くなりそう🥰清書しておこうと思います☺️ I've been working on a drawing of Laplus falling asleep to take a break from working on the comic, and I think it's going to be cuter than I thought, I'm going to draw it properly!

I've been working on a drawing of Laplus falling asleep to take a break from working on the comic, and I think it's going to be cuter than I thought, I'm going to draw it properly!

    wip 線画できた!お休みなさい! Here's a line drawing~! And good night!🛌

    wip 線画できた!お休みなさい!

Here's a line drawing~! And good night!🛌

    rkgk 10年後のタカ姉(ロング)とラプ様(大) Lui and Laplus after 10 years

    rkgk 10年後のタカ姉(ロング)とラプ様(大)
Lui and Laplus after 10 years

    #今月描いた絵を晒そう 今月のイラストはホロライブのラプ様多めでした!😊 This month's illustration was more of Laplus!

    #今月描いた絵を晒そう ホロライブ
This month's illustration was more of Laplus!
This month's illustration was more of Laplus!
This month's illustration was more of Laplus!

    漫画大体出来てきた~、あとはセリフを書かんといかんです・・・ I'm almost done with the manga, now I just need to write the dialogue, but I should make an English version too, right? But I don't know anything about native daily conversation in English, so it's going to be weird.

I'm almost done with the manga, now I just need to write the dialogue, but I should make an English version too, right?
But I don't know anything about native daily conversation in English, so it's going to be weird.