
    Sending 300 emails in 2 days.... pain.... I've sent an email to everyone who pre-ordered my genshin dj to confirm your shipping details. I will try to ship as many as I can before my business trip!!

    Sending 300 emails in 2 days.... pain....

I've sent an email to everyone who pre-ordered my genshin dj to confirm your shipping details. I will try to ship as many as I can before my business trip!!
    Sending 300 emails in 2 days.... pain....

I've sent an email to everyone who pre-ordered my genshin dj to confirm your shipping details. I will try to ship as many as I can before my business trip!!

    [Modern AU] Grandpa Andrius gave Razor a secret gift Diluc isn't amused

    [Modern AU] 

Grandpa Andrius gave Razor a secret gift

Diluc isn't amused
    [Modern AU] 

Grandpa Andrius gave Razor a secret gift

Diluc isn't amused
    [Modern AU] 

Grandpa Andrius gave Razor a secret gift

Diluc isn't amused

    [Modern AU] Diluc, defeated by puppy eyes again

    [Modern AU]

Diluc, defeated by puppy eyes again
    [Modern AU]

Diluc, defeated by puppy eyes again

    [Modern AU] Naming the beast Questionable names.... (Also no I'm not asking for suggestions)

    [Modern AU] Naming the beast

Questionable names....

(Also no I'm not asking for suggestions)
    [Modern AU] Naming the beast

Questionable names....

(Also no I'm not asking for suggestions)
    [Modern AU] Naming the beast

Questionable names....

(Also no I'm not asking for suggestions)

    anyway have a xiao

    anyway have a xiao

