
    【金枝玉葉秋月宴,吳剛今夜不伐桂】 大家中秋怎麼過的呢?現在大家提到 #中秋 過節,除了月餅、柚子外,很快浮現在腦海中的一定是烤肉!隨著這篇漫畫,一起了解一些中秋節慶的傳統食物吧!#就是BC In these comics, I introduced some traditional cuisine for moon festival in Taiwanese Culture!

大家中秋怎麼過的呢?現在大家提到 #中秋 過節,除了月餅、柚子外,很快浮現在腦海中的一定是烤肉!隨著這篇漫畫,一起了解一些中秋節慶的傳統食物吧!#就是BC
In these comics, I introduced some traditional cuisine for moon festival in Taiwanese Culture!
大家中秋怎麼過的呢?現在大家提到 #中秋 過節,除了月餅、柚子外,很快浮現在腦海中的一定是烤肉!隨著這篇漫畫,一起了解一些中秋節慶的傳統食物吧!#就是BC
In these comics, I introduced some traditional cuisine for moon festival in Taiwanese Culture!

    ゴゴゴゴゴゴゴ-- "...Seems to be able to summon something !" #popteamepic #fgo

    #fgo#popteamepic FGO
"...Seems to be able to summon something !"
#popteamepic #fgo

    An illustration board I did for celebrating Creative Comic Collection 10 Year Anniversary, which is currently displayed in an exhibition in Taiwan Comic Base! I am honored to be a part of history in CCC! In this work, I depicted all of the characters from my works for CCC.

    An illustration board I did for celebrating Creative Comic Collection 10 Year Anniversary, which is currently displayed in an exhibition in Taiwan Comic Base! I am honored to be a part of history in CCC! In this work, I depicted all of the characters from my works for CCC.

    190102- I thought about the Butterfly garden in Changi Airport while drawing this work. I always visit the garden for taking a break when I wait my flights. Seeing butterflies flying around is really joyful and relaxing.

    190102- I thought about the Butterfly garden in Changi Airport while drawing this work. I always visit the garden for taking a break when I wait my flights. Seeing butterflies flying around is really joyful and relaxing.

    190104- Had buffet as dinner today! There were various dishes, oyster was one of the choices. Although each one isn't large enough, it still tasted good!

Had buffet as dinner today! There were various dishes, oyster was one of the choices. Although each one isn't large enough, it still tasted good!

