
    #inktober2019 【DAY07:: #ENCHANTED】 Oh there is a plate for human drinking water. Look the plate is close to drop. Hey the plate dropping sounds is so good. Nuh human will get angry like previous. Aww I LIKE THE SOUNDS IT MAKE ME HAPPY!! My hand is pushing the plate. Hum...

    #inktober2019 【DAY07:: #ENCHANTED】
Oh there is a plate for human drinking water. Look the plate is close to drop. Hey the plate dropping sounds is so good. Nuh human will get angry like previous. Aww I LIKE THE SOUNDS IT MAKE ME HAPPY!! My hand is pushing the plate. Hum...

    #inktober2019 【DAY10:: #Pattern】 Initially, I thought about doing this work with an idea that cats are making coffee. However, I found out that caffeine is harmful to cats. Therefore, I changed the idea to a scene with bunch of cats drawing and painting! #cats

    #inktober2019 【DAY10:: #Pattern】
Initially, I thought about doing this work with an idea that cats are making coffee. However, I found out that caffeine is harmful to cats. Therefore, I changed the idea to a scene with bunch of cats drawing and painting! #cats

    #inktober2019 【DAY15:: #Legend】 Initially, the prompt of the day "Legend" is easily associated to heroes or great people in history. I wanted to do something more creative and I spent a while to figure out it. I happy to find this way to express the concept of "Legend".

    #inktober2019 【DAY15:: #Legend】
Initially, the prompt of the day "Legend" is easily associated to heroes or great people in history. I wanted to do something more creative and I spent a while to figure out it. I happy to find this way to express the concept of "Legend".

    #inktober2019 【DAY17:: #Ornament 裝飾品】 The description of the work, bcs too many words, please visit my facebook page: 關於這張圖的敘述,因為字太多,所以請到我的臉書頁面瀏覽>w< https://t.co/bz7PsJ1GQv

    #inktober2019 【DAY17:: #Ornament 裝飾品】
The description of the work, bcs too many words, please visit my facebook page:

    {The Result of Group B} Awesome FPX and Splyce, sad LMS and Jteam :( #LoL #worlds2 #Splyce #FPX #Gam #JTeam #vedius Welcome to visit my facebook to see my whole description for the work: https://t.co/oPuuqLhr1l

    {The Result of Group B} 
Awesome FPX and Splyce, sad LMS and Jteam :( 
#LoL #worlds2 #Splyce #FPX #Gam #JTeam #vedius
Welcome to visit my facebook to see my whole description for the work:

