Did an illustration of #HoushinEngi in the morning as the beginning of the day!
#HoushinEngi11月24日,店差不多都開了,稍微受到 #島津豐久 的精神渲染,準備出門探索 #高雄! Got a little bit of spirit from #Shimazu #Toyohisa, get ready to explore #Kaohsiung! #drifters
#drifters#Kaohsiung#Shimazu#Toyohisa 高雄今天CF場,我的第五本個人畫冊完售了,謝謝大家的支持♪這次也畫了畫很多場次委託#zatanna ❤ My fifth artbook all sold out incf2017 ❤ thanks for everyone who supported me!
今年冬至我正於馬來西亞旅遊。都說冬至大如年闔家慶團圓,明天即將歡喜跨年萬象更新,此時分享這篇回憶饒富一番興味異趣。 Two pages comic I did about the Winter solstice in 2017.
Meanwhile in EN Server! #galaxillust #ぺこらーと
🔥 #しらぬえ
190102- I thought about the Butterfly garden in Changi Airport while drawing this work. I always visit the garden for taking a break when I wait my flights. Seeing butterflies flying around is really joyful and relaxing.
GEN vs DRX #worlds2022 #LeagueOfLegends #TheResultofGames
I tried to combine them together, but two separated images seem to be better for twitter?
League of Legends Worlds Championship 2022 - Finals T1 vs DRX #worlds2022 #LeagueOfLegends #theresultofgames
This was an illustration I did as a gift for Maaya Sakamoto who had a concert in Taiwan last week. As this work for my gratitude to Maaya Sakamoto. #坂本真綾 #MaayaSakamoto #AllClear #Live #Tour #坂本真綾台北演唱會
{The Result of Group B} Awesome FPX and Splyce, sad LMS and Jteam :( #LoL #worlds2 #Splyce #FPX #Gam #JTeam #vedius Welcome to visit my facebook to see my whole description for the work: https://t.co/oPuuqLhr1l