Phil VzQ@PhilVzQ

    So I probably won't be using this sketchbook for big final pieces. But it'll be good for quick sketches. Also thanks @ErrenVanDuine for making me aware of that fan manga chapter in particular by GarrowLee yesterday; that was the best DB related thing I've read in awhile.

    So I probably won't be using this sketchbook for big final pieces. But it'll be good for quick sketches. 

Also thanks @ErrenVanDuine  for making me aware of that fan manga chapter in particular by GarrowLee yesterday; that was the best DB related thing I've read in awhile.
    Phil VzQ@PhilVzQ

    I'm still tired, but here's some lazily done hand studies.

    I'm still tired, but here's some lazily done hand studies.
    Phil VzQ@PhilVzQ

    Vegeta sketch for today's break time.

    Vegeta sketch for today's break time.
    Phil VzQ@PhilVzQ

    Phil VzQ@PhilVzQ

    G' Morning everyone, here's a sketch of 18.

    G' Morning everyone, here's a sketch of 18.