"A Fireworks" Eyes staring at an apple candy and eyes staring at an apple candy. #Archive This year, the festival and fireworks will be canceled due to COVID-19. I can't hear the temperament of OHAYASHI. It would be sad if the traditional performing arts were interrupted.

    "A Fireworks"
Eyes staring at an apple candy and eyes staring at an apple candy. 
This year, the festival and fireworks will be canceled due to COVID-19. I can't hear the temperament of OHAYASHI. It would be sad if the traditional performing arts were interrupted.

    "OS-F" A future in which many flatlands are submerged due to rising sea levels. A boy and a mysterious older sister who fight against human enemies. What was entrusted to the boy was a secret robot wrapped in over-technology. #Archive #OneSyotaFunction

A future in which many flatlands are submerged due to rising sea levels. A boy and a mysterious older sister who fight against human enemies. What was entrusted to the boy was a secret robot wrapped in over-technology.
#Archive #OneSyotaFunction
A future in which many flatlands are submerged due to rising sea levels. A boy and a mysterious older sister who fight against human enemies. What was entrusted to the boy was a secret robot wrapped in over-technology.
#Archive #OneSyotaFunction
A future in which many flatlands are submerged due to rising sea levels. A boy and a mysterious older sister who fight against human enemies. What was entrusted to the boy was a secret robot wrapped in over-technology.
#Archive #OneSyotaFunction
A future in which many flatlands are submerged due to rising sea levels. A boy and a mysterious older sister who fight against human enemies. What was entrusted to the boy was a secret robot wrapped in over-technology.
#Archive #OneSyotaFunction

    TEGAKI漫画『パパ活刑事(デカ)』 毎日このくらいの描けたら良いのだけど・・・。 TEGAKIで漫画を描くのはやっぱり無理がある。次は紙かクリッペで描こう。 #tegaki_dt #manga

#tegaki_dt #manga

    Personally comrades often become unacceptable, even if they are a large flock. Will the world change by connecting each one? Will we be in time? Hail, OTAKU! #Archive #tegaki_dt

    Personally comrades often become unacceptable, even if they are a large flock. Will the world change by connecting each one? Will we be in time? Hail, OTAKU!
#Archive #tegaki_dt

    Pheizer 2nd Inculation! 無敵ではないが闘える気はして来る。 #Archive #はいてけ

    Pheizer 2nd Inculation!
#Archive  #はいてけ


