"Rush 02 of the Girls' Defense Force in the Galaxy" - Exploratory Information Gatherer "unit 03" - Main image (rough) - Transport airspacecraft "GEO-CARIOR" - Rescue submarine "GRPV-010" #UGRP #GalaxyGirlsRescueTeam #archives

    "Rush 02 of the Girls' Defense Force in the Galaxy"

- Exploratory Information Gatherer "unit 03"
- Main image (rough)
- Transport airspacecraft "GEO-CARIOR"
- Rescue submarine "GRPV-010"
#UGRP #GalaxyGirlsRescueTeam #archives
    "Rush 02 of the Girls' Defense Force in the Galaxy"

- Exploratory Information Gatherer "unit 03"
- Main image (rough)
- Transport airspacecraft "GEO-CARIOR"
- Rescue submarine "GRPV-010"
#UGRP #GalaxyGirlsRescueTeam #archives
    "Rush 02 of the Girls' Defense Force in the Galaxy"

- Exploratory Information Gatherer "unit 03"
- Main image (rough)
- Transport airspacecraft "GEO-CARIOR"
- Rescue submarine "GRPV-010"
#UGRP #GalaxyGirlsRescueTeam #archives
    "Rush 02 of the Girls' Defense Force in the Galaxy"

- Exploratory Information Gatherer "unit 03"
- Main image (rough)
- Transport airspacecraft "GEO-CARIOR"
- Rescue submarine "GRPV-010"
#UGRP #GalaxyGirlsRescueTeam #archives

    『メガサメタ』 "I woke up in the middle of the night" ワクチン接種から丸一日経って昨日の夜から急に高熱が。 A whole day passed from vaccination, suddenly heated from last night. #Archive #tegaki_dt

"I woke up in the middle of the night"
A whole day passed from vaccination, suddenly heated from last night.
#Archive #tegaki_dt

    (モノクロイチバン、バケツヌリニバン、サンシハナクテ、ゴニハイケイニイロサシ) 色塗り苦手なら塗らなければ良い ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ワーイ♪ #Archive

色塗り苦手なら塗らなければ良い ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ワーイ♪
色塗り苦手なら塗らなければ良い ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ワーイ♪
色塗り苦手なら塗らなければ良い ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ワーイ♪
色塗り苦手なら塗らなければ良い ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ワーイ♪

    \( フロルゥ '□')/ 1日の汗と疲れと、徒然なる想いを取りあえず流すのだ。 For the time being, the sweat and tiredness of the day and the vain feelings are washed away. #Archive

    \( フロルゥ '□')/
For the time being, the sweat and tiredness of the day and the vain feelings are washed away.

    Good night this world. I pray that people all over the world can get along with each other. (I don't have enough sleep today as usual.) #Archive #MINI6HOLES

    Good night this world.
I pray that people all over the world can get along with each other.
(I don't have enough sleep today as usual.)
#Archive #MINI6HOLES


