
    Quick sketch of Shizuka as a short little (angery) vulpix today. ✨

    Quick sketch of Shizuka as a short little (angery) vulpix today. ✨

    It's Arturia's birthdayyy (sorta)! XD Happy b-day to best girl, ily, and enjoy all the cake your heart desires. 💖🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂

    It's Arturia's birthdayyy (sorta)! XD
Happy b-day to best girl, ily, and enjoy all the cake your heart desires. 💖🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂

    When Edelgard's having a hard time with her ptsd symptoms, she doesn't have to ask Byleth anymore for a long, tight hug. ;u; <3 #edeleth #fe3h

    When Edelgard's having a hard time with her ptsd symptoms, she doesn't have to ask Byleth anymore for a long, tight hug. ;u; <3

#edeleth #fe3h

    Usually when inspiration strikes for vent art, I don't have the motivation to draw it at the time. But this idea managed to stick with me since a couple days ago, so this is a first in a while. c':

    Usually when inspiration strikes for vent art, I don't have the motivation to draw it at the time. But this idea managed to stick with me since a couple days ago, so this is a first in a while. c':
    Usually when inspiration strikes for vent art, I don't have the motivation to draw it at the time. But this idea managed to stick with me since a couple days ago, so this is a first in a while. c':

    Have some angy woofs and a knife woof bc he's careful and doesn't wanna give anyone lycanthropy.

    Have some angy woofs and a knife woof bc he's careful and doesn't wanna give anyone lycanthropy.

