Kaho Kubo@kahokubo

    お風呂入ってもっかい調べたら他にも面白い子いた。明日あつ森アップデートまで塊魂使用かね。 Took a shower and found more of these penguins that don't listen to their staff so more doodles.

Took a shower and found more of these penguins that don't listen to their staff so more doodles.
    Kaho Kubo@kahokubo

    カップル4組ファンアート描きたいです。多分サクサク描くけど。何かお勧めあったら教えてください。LGBT+モラルに反してなければ知らなくても想像で描くかも。 So wanted to do this but will probably make it pretty rough. If anyone has any recommendations I'd love to try and draw a ship.

So wanted to do this but will probably make it pretty rough. If anyone has any recommendations I'd love to try and draw a ship.
    Kaho Kubo@kahokubo

    Last two were done super quick since they came after I was almost done with the first four. But 4 ships! Thanks for the requests! I think the only ship I've drawn before in this batch was Zack and Aerith and that was back when I was a student,

    Last two were done super quick since they came after I was almost done with the first four. But 4 ships! Thanks for the requests!  I think the only ship I've drawn before in this batch was Zack and Aerith and that was back when I was a student,
    Last two were done super quick since they came after I was almost done with the first four. But 4 ships! Thanks for the requests!  I think the only ship I've drawn before in this batch was Zack and Aerith and that was back when I was a student,
    Kaho Kubo@kahokubo

    Was doing a quick last minute run around my island before bed. If a new villager wants to move in, I'm pretty open but realized I don't want half of my villagers to move. うちの気に入ってる住民擬人化。トビオが癒し枠でアンソニーはお笑い枠です。

    Was doing a quick last minute run around my island before bed. If a new villager wants to move in, I'm pretty open but realized I don't want half of my villagers to move.
    Kaho Kubo@kahokubo

    One of my friends reminded me about this and I wanted to do it again... Feel free to drop a name even if you dropped one in the last batch! 誘惑されたからまたのんびりやる。うちの絵柄で見たいキャラとかいたらぜひ教えてください。

    One of my friends reminded me about this and I wanted to do it again... Feel free to drop a name even if you dropped one in the last batch!

