Kaho Kubo@kahokubo

    またランクで詰んでたからランクあげながら昨日や今日のプレイのツイステ発散落書き。このゲームストーリーが予想外に面白いぞ…! Twisted Wonderland doodles from yesterday and today.

Twisted Wonderland doodles from yesterday and today.
Twisted Wonderland doodles from yesterday and today.
    Kaho Kubo@kahokubo

    Original boards were done by James Little in this sequence but we needed more people in the BG so added a group of peeps running around. Also, panicked Elena was a shot added in. Thank you to the animators for balancing Elena out bc I kept drawing her really hyped up.

    Original boards were done by James Little in this sequence but we needed more people in the BG so added a group of peeps running around. Also, panicked Elena was a shot added in. Thank you to the animators for balancing Elena out bc I kept drawing her really hyped up.
    Original boards were done by James Little in this sequence but we needed more people in the BG so added a group of peeps running around. Also, panicked Elena was a shot added in. Thank you to the animators for balancing Elena out bc I kept drawing her really hyped up.
    Original boards were done by James Little in this sequence but we needed more people in the BG so added a group of peeps running around. Also, panicked Elena was a shot added in. Thank you to the animators for balancing Elena out bc I kept drawing her really hyped up.
    Original boards were done by James Little in this sequence but we needed more people in the BG so added a group of peeps running around. Also, panicked Elena was a shot added in. Thank you to the animators for balancing Elena out bc I kept drawing her really hyped up.
    Kaho Kubo@kahokubo

    Just adding Elena doing more stuff. エレナの変な行動を結構ここで追加してた。

    Just adding Elena doing more stuff.
    Just adding Elena doing more stuff.
    Just adding Elena doing more stuff.
    Just adding Elena doing more stuff.
    Kaho Kubo@kahokubo

    The ladder taking thing was actually kinda fun to do. 梯子奪い取るの結構枚数追加した。エレナガチでずっとパニクった顔しかしてない自分の絵…

    The ladder taking thing was actually kinda fun to do.
    The ladder taking thing was actually kinda fun to do.
    The ladder taking thing was actually kinda fun to do.
    The ladder taking thing was actually kinda fun to do.
    Kaho Kubo@kahokubo

    This is from Kelly's section! This got added in but I honestly laughed at how Elena moved in this shot after seeing it animated. これも追加。エレナのアニメートされた動きがコンテより数倍早くてめっさ笑った。

    This is from Kelly's section! This got added in but I honestly laughed at how Elena moved in this shot after seeing it animated.
    This is from Kelly's section! This got added in but I honestly laughed at how Elena moved in this shot after seeing it animated.

