Tipe 👻🌷@mementomoli_

    "I'm gonna sketch some hands to warm up a little but they look boring..." *adds scars and staples" "...much better."

    "I'm gonna sketch some hands to warm up a little but they look boring..." 

*adds scars and staples"

"...much better."
    Tipe 👻🌷@mementomoli_

    Vent art where u say

    Vent art where u say
    Vent art where u say
    Vent art where u say
    Vent art where u say
    Tipe 👻🌷@mementomoli_

    Overcooked boyfriend gets lowkey roasted

    Overcooked boyfriend gets lowkey roasted
    Overcooked boyfriend gets lowkey roasted
    Tipe 👻🌷@mementomoli_

    Only got 2 post flagged and I'm surprised none of them were Dabi and Hawks taking it up the ass, tumbler surely knows about priorities

    Only got 2 post flagged and I'm surprised none of them were Dabi and Hawks taking it up the ass, tumbler surely knows about priorities
    Tipe 👻🌷@mementomoli_

    Would model Dabi change his nipple piercings to hearts with wings to tease Hawks? . . . He totally would.

    Would model Dabi change his nipple piercings to hearts with wings to tease Hawks?
He totally would.